Silicosis_pg - proteinGroups data of a silicosis mouse model
The Silicosis_pg is proteinGroups result of a proteomics study on silica-exposed mouse model reported by Wang, Zhang, Liu, et al.
A data.frame with 10718 rows and 55 variables:
- Protein.IDs
Uniprot IDs
- Majority.protein.IDs
Uniprot IDs of major protein(s) in the protein group
- Peptide.counts..all.
Total peptides counts of each protein
- Peptide.counts..razor.unique.
Razor or unique peptides counts of each protein
- Peptide.counts..unique.
Unique peptides counts of each protein
- Protein.names
Full protein names
- Gene.names
Gene name
- Fasta.headers
Header as present in the Uniprot fasta file
- Peptides
Number of peptides identified for this protein group
- Razor...unique.peptides
Number of peptides used for the quantification of this protein group
- Unique.peptides
Number of peptides identified which are unique for this protein group
- iBAQ columns
intensity-based absolute-protein-quantification
- LFQ.intensity columns
LFQ normalized mass spectrometry intensity, A.U.
- Only.identified.by.site
The protein is only identified by a modification site if marked ('+')
- Reverse
The protein is identified in the decoy database if marked ('+')
- Potential.contaminant
The protein is a known contaminant if marked ('+')
Wang M, Zhang Z, Liu J, et al. Gefitinib and fostamatinib target EGFR and SYK to attenuate silicosis: a multi-omics study with drug exploration. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2022;7(1):157. doi: 10.1038/s41392-022-00959-3.