Data.frame to QFeatures object conversion by parsing column names
creates a QFeatures object
based on a single data.frame. The experiment design is constructed
by colnames of expression assay.
mode = c("char", "delim"),
chars = 1,
sep = "_",
remove_prefix = T,
remove_suffix = F,
assay_name = "peptideRaw",
log2transform = T
- Peptide
Data.frame, Peptide table with its belonging proteingroup.
- columns
A numeric indicating the indices of the columns to be used as expression values. Can also be a character indicating the names of the columns.
- fnames
An optional character(1) or numeric(1) indicating the column identifier.
- mode
"char" or "delim", The mode of parsing the column headers. "char" will parse the last number of characters as replicate number and requires the 'chars' parameter. "delim" will parse on the separator and requires the 'sep' parameter.
- chars
Numeric(1), The number of characters to take at the end of the column headers as replicate number (only for mode = "char").
- sep
Character(1), The separator used to parse the column header (only for mode = "delim").
- remove_prefix
Logical(1), whether remove the prefix of expression columns.
- remove_suffix
Logical(1), whether remove the suffix of expression columns.
- assay_name
An character(1) to name assay in the QFeatures object.
- log2transform
Logical(1), whether log2 transform the assay, default TRUE.
# Load a peptides
ecols <- grep("Intensity.", colnames(Silicosis_peptide), value = TRUE)
# Construct a QFeatures object, with a 'peptideRaw' assay
pe_peptides <- make_pe_parse(Silicosis_peptide, columns = ecols, # columns is the abundance columns
mode = "delim", sep = "_",
remove_prefix = TRUE, log2transform = TRUE)
#> An instance of class QFeatures containing 1 assays:
#> [1] peptideRaw: SummarizedExperiment with 143528 rows and 20 columns