Draw a network on PPI result
Draw a network on PPI result output from test_PPI
layoutway = "layout_components",
nodecolor = "#2EA9DF",
nodeshape = c("circle", "square"),
linecolor = "#ADD8E6",
nodesize = 20,
changesize = FALSE,
fontsize = 25,
changewidth = FALSE,
linewidth = 5,
smoothline = FALSE,
smoothtype = "continous",
highlightkey = TRUE,
returntype = c("visNetwork", "igraph")
- PPIlinks
The PPI result from test_ppi
- layoutway
Character(1), the name of a layout function in
package,such as "layout_as_star", "layout_as_tree", "layout_in_circle". See layout.- nodecolor
Character(1), the color of node.
- nodeshape
Character(1), the shape of node. One of "circle", "square", "raster", or other vertex.shapes in igraph.
- linecolor
Character(1), the color of edge line.
- nodesize
Numeric(1), the size of node.
- changesize
Logical(1), whether change node size by link number.
- fontsize
Numeric(1), the font size of label.
- changewidth
Logical(1), whether change edge width by interaction score.
- linewidth
Numeric(1), the width of edge.
- smoothline
Logical(1), whether smooth the edge. Works only for visNetwork
- smoothtype
Character(1), one of 'dynamic', 'continuous', 'discrete', 'diagonalCross', 'straightCross', 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'curvedCW', 'curvedCCW', 'cubicBezier'
- highlightkey
logical(1), whether label the central nodes by red which have at least 6 interactions.
- returntype
Character(1), "visNetwork" or "igraph".
if (FALSE) {
# Load example
data <- Silicosis_pg
data_unique <- make_unique(data, "Gene.names", "Protein.IDs", delim = ";")
# Differential test
ecols <- grep("LFQ.", colnames(data_unique))
se <- make_se_parse(data_unique, ecols,mode = "delim")
filt <- filter_se(se, thr = 0, fraction = 0.4, filter_formula = ~ Reverse != "+" & Potential.contaminant!="+")
norm <- normalize_vsn(filt)
imputed <- impute(norm, fun = "MinProb", q = 0.05)
diff <- test_diff(imputed, type = "control", control = c("PBS"), fdr.type = "Storey's qvalue")
dep <- add_rejections(diff, alpha = 0.01,lfc = 2)
# PPI construct
# Load STRING data. If local STRING is missing, PPI_res will download to system.file("PPIdata", "Mouse",package = "DEP2")
load_PPIdata(speciesname = "Mouse")
PPI_res <- test_PPI(dep, contrasts = "W4_vs_PBS", species = "Mouse",
STRING.version = "11.5",score_cutoff = 400)
## igraph network
PPI_ig <- PPInetwork(PPI_res, returntype = "igraph")
## visNetwork network
PPInetwork(PPI_res, returntype = "visNetwork")