Summarize peptide quantity to protein quantity
Aggregation peptide to protein vis 'aggrefun'.
- pe
A QFeatures object, contains the normalized peptide assay
- aggrefun
A function used for quantitative feature aggregation. It can be a character in "RobustSummary","medianPolish","totalMean" or other function. Details see
- aggregate_Peptide_Type
Character in "Unique + Razor" or "Unique". Use what kind of peptides to summarise proteins. If choose "Unique", return output just save unique peptides in smallest proteingroups.
- fcol
Character(1), defining how to summarise the features. Exist in
.- i
Character(1), name of the assay to be aggregated.
- reserve
Character, the column(s) which will reserve after aggregate, such as the columns store protein information can.
if (FALSE) {
# Load example peptide data
ecols <- grep("Intensity.", colnames(Silicosis_peptide), value = TRUE)
# construct QFeatures object
pe_peptides <- make_pe_parse(Silicosis_peptide, columns = ecols, remove_prefix = TRUE, log2transform = TRUE,mode = "delim")
# Filter, imputation
pe <- filter_pe(pe_peptides, thr = 1,fraction = 0.4, filter_formula = ~ Reverse != '+' & Potential.contaminant !="+" )
pe <- impute_pe(pe, fun = "QRILC", name = "peptideImp")
# Normalization
pe <- normalize_pe(pe,method = "quantiles", i = "peptideImp", name = "peptideNorm")
# Summarize peptide value to protein quantity
protein_pe <- DEP2::aggregate_pe(pe, fcol = "Proteins", i = "peptideNorm")