Extract the proteins SummarizedExperiment object from a QFeatures container
This function accept a result from aggregate_pe(), tidy features identifiers and return a SE object for following analyze
- pe_aggregated
A QFeatures object output from
, which contain a "protein" quantative assay.- names
The column of gene names, which serve as feature identifier and is transmitted to make_unique
- ids
The column of protein ID, transmitted to make_unique. aggregate_pe automatically generate a "smallestProteingroups" column to store ids in proteingroups.
- delim
Character. The separator in names of ids.
if (FALSE) {
# Load example peptide data
ecols <- grep("Intensity.", colnames(Silicosis_peptide), value = TRUE)
# construct QFeatures object
pe_peptides <- make_pe_parse(Silicosis_peptide, columns = ecols, remove_prefix = TRUE, log2transform = TRUE,mode = "delim")
# Filter, imputation
pe <- filter_pe(pe_peptides, thr = 1,fraction = 0.4, filter_formula = ~ Reverse != '+' & Potential.contaminant !="+" )
pe <- impute_pe(pe, fun = "QRILC", name = "peptideImp")
# Normalization
pe <- normalize_pe(pe,method = "quantiles", i = "peptideImp", name = "peptideNorm")
# Summarize peptide value to protein quantity
protein_pe <- DEP2::aggregate_pe(pe, fcol = "Proteins", i = "peptideNorm")
# Construct a SE object
se <- pe2se(protein_pe)